Monday, November 4, 2013

One dark poem.


                  Slowly the night prowls

                    Unfurling flowers of darkness

                    Dark thoughts come to life

                    Like moon flowers on a dark night.


                    Darkness hides in any color

                    Hides in any lifely rose

                    Like a black dahlia

                    Or a black magic hollyhock.


                     Darkness bloom  all season long

                     Never goes dormant at all

                     Like a potted hybrid lily

                     Under the green house of obscurity.


                     Dark clouds oppose sunrise’ smiles

                     Torrent of lying tears coming down

                     Rooting the love that was never found

                     Just to be an autunm rustly sound.


                     Darkness of autumn coming around

                     Infatuated foliages wafting fairwell

                     Branches left with deep Leaf scars

                     Love that lasted one season long


                     Foliage belonging to no one, no tree

                     Just the lonely dark autumn night

                     Drifting  around with no hope to land
                     Leaving the deciduous tree with no love to find.